Strategy document

This document will be a good sample for the new approach towards establishing of strategic partnership in transnational cooperation among different socio-economical organizations with aim to ensure implementation of innovative good practices in education process.

By development of this Action plan a variety of innovative education methods as well as good practices will be taken into consideration as a possibilities for improvement of education processes in project partners secondary schools as well as in the other secondary schools on local, regional and national level.

Following activities will be carried out in the phase of preparation of this document:

  • Analysis and comparing of situation in educational filed in Kochani-Macedonia, Ludbreg-Croatia and Pazardzik-Bulgaria
  • Determination of the notified “weak” sides as potential to be improved
  • Research of the good practices and their potential to be implemented in education processes in targeted regions
  • Development of the list of activities with necessary costs and time schedule for their realization