Author Archives: projecteditor

Fourth transnational Meeting

The final evaluation meeting – fourth transnational project partner meeting took place in Ludbreg in May2021 and it was connected with 1st dissemination multiplier event. The meeting was dedicated on evaluation of all project activities and results and preparation of the final national dissemination event.  

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Development of intelectual outputs

Through this project, three very important outputs will be realized: Augmented reality education module Handbook (manual) “How to use AR learning module in school subjects” Strategic Action plan for transnational partnership in development of educational process in Kochani, Pazardzik and Ludbreg by using of innovative methods and best practices

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Third transnational project meeting

Third transnational project meeting was held in Pazardzik, Bulgaria on 9th of December. The aim of this meeting was mid-term evaluation of the results from realized activities with special focus on results from testing period and resolve of challenges that have appeared through test period. Final version of software and...

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Testing of AR education module

The testing period was from September to November 2019. Two teams of students from each country tested AR education module. Testing provided feedback of operation of the software and eventual improvements that will need for the main teaching event. Public media annoucements:  

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Project dissemination

First National dissemination event will be held in Ludbreg, Croatia in August 2020. The purpose of this conference is dissemination of the AR learning module, the Manual “How to use AR learning module in every day classes” and the Strategic action plan for transnational cooperation in development of education with...

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Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

In October 2020 students members of the winner teams from Bulgaria and Croatia will visit Macedonia and together with the winner team from Macedonia and its mentor will be part of the 5-days short-term exchange activity.

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Second short term was in Ludbreg, Croatia between 14 October and 19 October 2019. Training for using of Android module and Practical Training for using af AR education module was held. Teachers has completed Q&A database, and Techko net solved all bugs in the Android module. During these five days...

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First short term join staff training was in Pazardzik, Bulgaria between 24 June 2019. and 29. June 2019. Teachers of STEM related school subject fulfill database with Questions and Answers, and IT teachers had training about the software administration. Establishing of networking among the teachers was demonstrated through the use...

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