Short-term exchange of groups of pupils and Third short-term training of teachers, 16-21.10.2021, Kochani, North Macedonia

The Short-term exchange of groups of pupils was a mobility which happened in the same time with the Third short-term training of teachers. In this way the best student teams from Croatia, Bulgaria and North Macedonia, together with their teachers-mentors were all together participating in the activities.

The agenda for this mobility was as follows:

Day 1 (16.10.2021): Arrival of participants and accommodation in a hotel in Ponikva, Osogovo and short meeting for organization details,

Day 2 (17.10.2021): Exchange of students and teachers experience  from participation in long-term teaching assignment event and conclusions and lessons learned from the long term teaching assignment (activity conducted in a hotel in Ponikva, Osogovo)

Day 3 (18.10.2021): Travelling to Kochani after breakfast accommodation in a hotel in Kochani, and conducting the small scale transnational competition of student’s teams

Day 4 (19.10.2021): Students/teachers participation in school classes of STEM oriented school subjects in secondary school in Kochani

Day 5 (20.10.2021):  Participation in Project Final Conference (Presentation of the best student’s teams achievements)

Day 6 (21.10.2021):Steering Committee final evaluation meeting and discussion of further activities from developed Action Plan for strategic partnership. Final overview of the activities necessary for the final reporting.