Dissemination event in North Macedonia

Report for the Third dissemination event, E3

Kochani, North Macedonia, 20.10.2021

The Final Project conference was held in Kochani, North Macedonia which was National dissemination event for North Macedonia with transnational character. This Conference according to the application was planned to be conducted in October, 2020. But, because of the Covid-19 pandemic the event was postponed and conducted on 20.10.2021.

The purpose of this conference is dissemination of the realized project activities and achieved results in North Macedonia, Croatia and Bulgaria.

The agenda of this conference was as follows:

– Registration of participants

– Opening of the dissemination event in North Macedonia, Director of the high School „Ljupcho Santov“-Kochani

– Presentation of realized project activities, achieved project results and intellectual outputs

  1. Marija Velichkova –NGO LAG-Kochani – presentation of realized project activities
  2. Marija Velichkova – NGO LAG-Kochani– Strategic document
  3. TECHKO NET- Kochani– Manual for using of the AR Educational Moduleand presentation of the developed AR educational module for participants on the events

– Presentation of project results and achievements from project activities realized in schools in Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Croatia

  1. Representative of BG school PGIM – Pazardzik and the best student team
  2. Representative of Croatian school Ludbreg and the best student team
  3. Representative of MK school Ljupcho Santov – Kochani and the best student team

– Small scale competition among the teams consisted of local participants

– Lunch

The agenda of the conference was completely fulfilled and the best students teams from the three countries gave a special effect during this event and showed the real atmosphere of the project.

The dissemination materials were distributed to all participants.

The small scale competition among the participants in this event was very interesting experience for those who participated.

On this event there were 10 guests from Croatia and 10 guests from Bulgaria present. There were 96 participants total. The members from all project partners were present at the Final conference, since it was held during the C3 and C4 (Short-term exchange of pupils and Short-term training of teachers held from 16-21 of October in Kochani).

The event was covered by medias, in order more people to become familiar with the whole project.