Dissemination event in Croatia

Report for the First dissemination event –E1

Ludbreg, Croatia, 25.05.2021


The 1st National dissemination event was planned to be held in Ludbreg, Croatia in August 2020. Because of Covid-19 pandemic this event was postponed and conducted on 25.05.2021.

The purpose of this conference was dissemination of the AR learning module, the Manual  “How to use AR learning module in every day classes” and the Strategic action plan for transnational cooperation in development of education with help of innovative methods and the project results acquired so far.

The agenda of the dissemination event was as follows:

– Registration of participants

– Opening of the dissemination event in Croatia, Dubravko Bilić, Mayor of Town Ludbreg, Croatia

– Presentation of realized project activities, achieved project results and intellectual outputs

  1. Todor Kushevski – Project Manager from Applicant partner LAG – presentation of realized project activities
  2. Town of Ludbreg – strategic document
  3. TECHKO NET– manual for using of the AR Educational Module

– Presentation of project results and achievements from project activities realized in schools in Bulgaria and North Macedonia and Croatia

  1. Representative of BG school PGIM – Pazardzik
  2. Representative of MK school Ljupcho Santov, – Kochani
  3. Representative of Croatian school Ludbreg

– Members of the best student team from Croatia will present their experience from transnational students’ competitive event

– Practical presentation of the developed AR educational module for participants on the events (Small scale competition among the teams consisted of local participants)

–  Lunch

The agenda of the event was respectfully fulfilled and the audience was acknowledged with the project. The dissemination materials-Document for strategic partnership, Manual for teachers for using AR EDU module and a brochure were distributed to all participants.

During the practical presentation of the developed AR EDU software the participants could see how the software actually works.

Besides of the many restrictions emerging from Covid-19, the project partners from Ludbreg managed to invite and collect presence of 65 persons in total. Eighteen participants from all Project partners who were present on the fourth transnational project partner meeting held on 24.05.2021 were also present at the dissemination event.

The event was covered by the local and national printed and TV media, in order more people become familiar with the whole project.