Project dissemination

First National dissemination event will be held in Ludbreg, Croatia in August 2020. The purpose of this conference is dissemination of the AR learning module, the Manual “How to use AR learning module in every day classes” and the Strategic action plan for transnational cooperation in development of education with help of innovative methods.

The presentation of the Intellectual Outputs will be done by involved project partners and achievements will be presented by teachers and best students team that were directly involved in the project activities. They will present their experiences and benefit of using new innovative and educational tool during the project activities.

The project dissemination strategy will be mainly focused on:

  • raising awarness on the importance of the STEM subjects
  • promotion of the new educational ICT-based tool and the improvement that can be done in the educational process with help of new approaches
  • promoting of transnational strategic partnership among different socio-economical organization as good approach for improvement of educational process with implementation of the best practices and innovative approaches
  • promoting the project activities and achieved results at local, national and European level