Long-term teaching assignments

This event will have two stages:

A testing period from September to November 2019

and Main transnational students teams competition from February to May 2020.

Within testing event 2 teams of students will test AR education module. This event will be used to recive feedback of operation of the software and eventual improvements that it will need for the main teaching event.

Long term teaching assignment

This activity was planned and realized in the three participating countries-schools equally and in the same timeframe. After finishing the two short-term training events for teachers, where they were taught about how the software works, how to create students teams, how to fill in questions, etc, the long term teaching assignment started as planned in September 2019. All project partners together, created an announcement for the testing period and the main competition.

For the First testing of the AR software (First stage of this event), in all three schools, students teams, consisted of 4th graders, were chosen.

After the first testing, all three schools, started the procedure of gathering the students teams from 1-3 graders and preparing them for the main competitive event.

Each teacher/mentor formed two teams consisted of three students each.

The main competition continued where it stopped with conducting competitions in all three countries on 10-11 April-Geography, 13-14 of April- Mathematics, 17-18 of April-Physics and 24-25 of April – Biology and Chemistry. The results of this competition can be seen on hive.mk.

All teams, after the competition, had to create padlets by using OER regarding the process of working on this project. The padlets of all students team were posted on e-twinning portal of the project. These padlets were evaluated by members from NGO LAG-Kochani, NGO CSEG-Pazardzik and Municipality of town Ludbreg.

The best teams were chosen by the number of points on the Main competition and the number of points from the evaluators of the padlets.