The project leader named „Project Augmented Reality Education Module – Development and Implementation od Innovative ICT-Based Educational Tool in STEM orientated school subjects“ is LAG Kochani from Macedonia. Other partners in projects worth 131.100,00 € are Town of Ludbreg, High School „Ludbreg“, Gymnasium Ljupco Santov form Kochani, the Economics and Business School in Pazardzhik – Bulgaria, Techko Net Dooel and Center for Sustainability and Economic Development (CSEG).

The goal of the project is through interesting and interactive contet, created by the students themselves an their mentors, to increase students interest in STEM school subjects and to develop interactive teaching software that will be able to be used by future generations of high school students. The project also seeks to improve cross – border cooperation between educational institutions and non – governmental organizations, as well as incrase the mobility of students and teaching staff.

The first meeting was organized on Wednesday, December 4th at Ljupco Santov High School in the municipality of Kochani, which is leading in its country in terms of the number EU projects applied for. On this occasion, the contract was solemnly signed and further steps of the project partners agreed. The completion of the project is planned in 2020 with a final conference and a multi – day exchange of teachers and students.

Public media annoucements:

Ученически екип от Гимназията по икономика създава образователно приложение, пътуват до Кочани

Икономиката с договор за приложение за виртуална реалност в помощ на обучението